If you are facing a diagnosis of kidney failure in your own cat it’s like a blow to the gut. I thought my whole world had ended the day I got the call with the confirmation. Olaf (my three and half year old snowshoe cat) had failing kidneys, he would need to be hospitalized. We pursued every treatment option we were suggested by our vets. He got x-rays, ultrasounds, blood tests for medications, the whole works. However, there was a common echo of cats that are young just don’t get Kidney Disease. I knew we were not a common case so I turned to the internet to find answers. I was so happy to uncover several homeopathic treatments for cats with kidney failure.
Thanks to the wonderful folks of this Facebook group on Feline Chronic Kidney Disease support I was able to connect with many others like me. I was able to get hope that with proper care we could hopefully stabilize our Olaf and spend some more time with him. If you are battling this disease I highly recommend getting the support of the folks over here.
After talking with many in the group I began to discover supplements that may help Olaf. So I ordered away, anything that others had success with I ordered after running by my vet. My vet kinda gave me a questioning look like I was crazy but she cleared everything I threw at her. I think I have amazed her with Olafs progress. She originally said he may only live a week! So in honor of all the other Olafs out there here is a look at the supplements we have tried with him and why we opted to give it a go!
Disclaimer: Before starting your cat on any supplements (just like you as human would) you should always consult with your vetrianan. They can confirm that it won’t interact with any of your cats medications or conditions. We also like letting our vet to review the brands ingredients for anything that wouldn’t be safe for cats. The FDA does not monitor any of these supplements, same with human supplements so it’s best to be safe.
Pet Wellbeing Kidney Support Gold for Cats
One of the first supplements that was recommended to me was Kidney Support Gold. Kidney Support Gold for Cats is a powerful herbal formula designed to support renal function and overall health for kidney issues in cats. This formula is created by using current research with time-honored herbs used in traditional Asian medicine for the kidneys. The herbs in Kidney Support Gold are restorative, help maintain vitality, and provide absorbent nutrition to the body to support both acute and chronic kidney disease in cats. Overall, our herbal formula helps the body regulate the immune system and respond normally to bacteria and viruses in a way that is holistic.
We gave this a go but unfortunately after a week or so we noticed it was giving our guy dihaerra so we had to stop use. Most people have no side effects and SWEAR by the magic of this supplement. However, it’s always a good idea when starting anything to closely monitor your cat. A bonus of ordering from Amazon is they have a money back guarantee so if it doesn’t help or you cat has a reaction you can always return.
If your cat isn’t a fan of things added to your food you could try treats from Scruffy Paws Kidney Vitalize Chews. Its two main ingredients match that of Kidney Support Gold while I will say it does look as though there is added ingredients of the Kidney Support Gold not found in these chews.
Astro’s Oil™
This is a newer product that I discovered has a cult following of people who swear by it. It contains Omega 3 fish oil concentrate that has been molecularly distilled via freeze fracturing to purify it of all pollutants such as heavy metals and PCB’s. It is designed to address inflammation of kidney tissue which can help restore function to the affected tissue before it progresses to cicatrization (scarring) with permanent loss of kidney function.
Omega-3 for Cats with Kidney Failure
There are many options when hunting out an Omega 3. Our vet first recommended Nordic Naturals. It was pretty good and easy to give as it came in liquid so we mixed it right into his food. However the wonderful owner of the Facebook group I was mentioning earlier told me about Moxxor omega-3 and I had to give a try (spoiler it’s all we use in this house now). Moxxor has just 3 ingredients: greenlip mussle oil, kiwifruit seed oil and grapeseed oil. It’s simple yet powerful. Also if you have pet with seafood allergies you can still use this product since they remove.
A little more on all the rave around Greenlip Mussels. The New Zealand Greenlip Mussel contains a full spectrum of 18 omega-3’s, in contrast to a fractionated extract of just one or two omega-3’s. This unique source of omega-3 is absolutely pure and toxin-free. So now you can see why people are paying extra for this type of omega-3.
Okay before you get all skeptical, cause I was when this was recommended, yes this is legal in all 50 US States. The brand we use, CBD Pet, contains extremely small amounts of the THC cannabinoid. This is good and key when shopping brands because THC is unhealthy to both cats and dogs in large doses. This helps ease any fears of “overdosing” animals using CBDPet. Their oil is batch-tested to ensure THC levels remain far below 1%.
Here are just some of the things that CBD oil can help with:
- Appetite
- Anxiety and mood
- Pain
- Energy levels
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Inflammation
- Anxiety and mood
- Hip dysplasia or arthritis
- Tumors or growths
- Improved quality of life
Whew okay now that list is long! We added this one to Olaf’s lineup when he started getting a little aggressive with his siblings. He acts like the alpha male but he was taking it farther than normal. Fighting can be a sign of pain in cats and I definitely wasn’t sitting easy knowing he could be hurting. I mean one of his kidneys was jumbo and the other is undersized couldn’t be the best feeling right?
CBD Pet Oil we UseMilk Thistle for Kidney Support
Scientific studies on milk thistles show that it contain strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxifying properties it also promotes cellular regeneration and repair. Should like a miracle drug, no? This herb helps remove toxic chemicals that can accumulate in your cat’s system with renal failure. It is one of the few herbs with no equivalent in conventional medicine!
NOTE: This medicine needs to stay refrigerated after opening.
Turmeric for Kidney Support
When I saw this recommendation I was reminded of how much this helped me when I was battling stomach issues. For those of you unfamiliar with turmeric here is some more information on it.
Turmeric is a spice and herb that has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic (5000 year old holistic health system from India) and Chines medicine. Turmeric has a distinct yellow color, it is traditionally used as spice in Indian cooking and is also used to enhance the color of mustard in western countries. It is considered to be a super food, and one that can be used for your cat.
So why turmeric for cats with loss of kidney function? It’s a great anti inflammatory which is something we are always looking for with Kidney Disease. A common side affect can be urinary tract infections which are so dangerous in cats. If your cat is anemic this may not be the best route as it is considered a mild anticoagulant.
NOTE: This medicine needs to stay refrigerated after opening.
Tripsy for Kidney Support
Tripsy helps to maintain a healthy urinary tract. The urinary tract includes the kidneys, bladder and the pathways between them. Now you probably see why this one made the list! However the key feature that appealed to me was that Tripsy is an aid for flushing kidney stones. During a trip to the specialist the vet suggested he thought that our cat had a blockage at the base of the kidney. Now he couldn’t confirm a stone vs. scar tissue vs. something else but I figured why not try.
NOTE: This medicine needs to stay refrigerated after opening.
Vetoquinol Azodyl
Azodyl is a breakthroughsupplement that supports kidney function in dogs and cats. Azodyl contains a blend of naturally-occurring friendly bacteria (commonly known as probiotics) that can help support kidney function. Basically these magical strains of bacteria feed off of the waste buildup that is happening in your cat’s body and help them feel better.
The downside to this one, it’s a pill and while it is small it must be swallowed whole. Pill pockets on this size didn’t seem to work on our cat so we had to get creative. I crush pure bits (shrimp and duck are his weakness) and mix the pill in with that and he thankfully is so excited for the treats he gobbles them down along with the pill. If you cat is receptive to being pilled that is always an option too.
NOTE: This medicine needs to stay refrigerated to keep the bacteria alive. It is pricey so don’t be a fool and leave it out on the counter like me.
Kidney Restore for Cats
This is the most potent kidney supplement you can find anywhere that helps support their body’s kidneys in multiple different and unique ways.
Contains safe probiotic microorganisms (50 billion). They safely support elimination of harmful kidney toxins, and other dangerous waste by consuming them.
Kidney Restore For Cats & Dogs™ has prebiotics, a superfood for the probiotic microorganisms so they can continue to grow and multiply. The more microorganisms there are, the more nitrogenous (kidney toxic) waste they consume.
This amazing formula has a pinch of sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate, a.k.a. baking soda is the most effective natural supplement that neutralizes the harmful acids that build up in weak kidneys.
Just a pinch this fantastic nutrient prevents acid buildup and has zero effects on other mineral levels.
When the kidneys become weak, phosphorous and cholesterol levels begin to rise. This formula contains Niacinamide, also known as Vitamin B3. It works wonders to balance phosphorus and support healthy lipid levels. B3 also supports heart health.
Kidney Restore For Cats & Dogs™ has vitamin C from the Peruvian superfood camu-camu. This berry contains 23 times more Vitamin C than an orange. Vitamin C is the most potent antioxidant helping your pet’s body to neutralize free radicals, especially in the kidneys.
No remedy will work if your pet doesn’t take it. That’s why Kidney Restore For Cats & Dogs™ is bacon flavored. Just add a sprinkle on their food and even finicky cats will eat it. Both my cats we use this one LOVE we add this to their food.
Dr. Mercola Vitamin B Complex for Pets
B12 is a great boost for cats with kidney issues. It is especially helpful for those cats battling anemia. We tried adminstering b12 shots here at the house but we just could be successful. Both our kidney cats screamed at us yet will tolerate subQ administering so clearly something is wrong on our end.
This led me to turn to a shot alternative. Dr. Mercola’s Vitamin B Complex for Dogs and Cats is a complete complex of the eight major B vitamins in their ideal proportions.
Because they are biologically active, this complex of vitamins can go to work in your pet’s body right away. Plus, they last longer than typical isolated vitamins.
Progress with Kidney Supplements
We really never know what is going to happen next when battling this disease. I am thankful for all the extra time I have had with Olaf so far hit has been two years since his diagnosis. This whole journey has also taught me so much about cats and some of the common practices that weren’t the greatest for cats. I love that there are natural things that can help with the conditions our cats currently face.
So far we have ben able to use this supplements in combination with a couple of prescriptions (potassium and blood pressure) to keep his numbers from spiking again.
If you are battling this wicked disease and have any experience with any supplements please share in the comment section. The more we share the more we can all learn and hopefully all have some happier healthier pets.

Monday 1st of May 2023
Hi, thank you so much for all you do! My cats are not in failure but both have been diagnosed with 1-2. Is it ever too early to start on these supplements, or too early to feed lower phosphorus?
Robin Griffin
Monday 1st of May 2023
Kidney disease doesn't show up on blood tests until 60% to 70% of kidney function is lost so absolutely if you can support their kidneys with supplements it will help them not have to struggle to work as hard, when it already does since function is gone. As far as food I would focus on hydration and feeding top quality food, personally I would avoid a prescription diet unless you absolutely have to but the choice is yours.
Wednesday 7th of April 2021
Thanks for this website, it's really helpful! One of our cats has been just diagnosed with CKD stage 3 so we are learning as fast as we can. I'm wondering about Tripsy and Kidney Support Gold. Do these products address similar concerns? Do you know if any one has given both at the same time, or should it be either or? Thanks for your tips! :)
Tuesday 11th of January 2022
@Robin Griffin, What about Astro Oils other two items: Nitrogen-Creatinine Scrub and RENAL CARE PROTEIN
Robin Griffin
Thursday 8th of April 2021
No they are different but some cats don't have the best reaction from kidney support gold (can cause diarrhea) I would run them buy you vet and definitely add one new thing at a time give it 2 weeks see how it goes before adding in another new thing.
Daniella Dobie
Sunday 14th of February 2021
Hi Robin. My 4 year old angel cat was diagnosed with both FIV and chronic renal failure. It’s been a long battle of health dips, vet trips, endless medication and even considering having to put her to sleep. But as a last resort I ordered herbal medication from a local homeopathic vet and she made a turn around. The medications you recommended are definitely on my list for the future so thank you for your post! It’s always so unpredictable with my little one and I really want her to maintain her health and happy personality. I just wanted to find out if you recognised any ingredients of the current herbal medication we are using? And if you would recommend anything else?
Robin Griffin
Sunday 14th of February 2021
Hi Daniella, I don't see the list of ingredients in what your vet gave you. I would always recommend if you haven't started giving this already an omega 3 and a probiotic that helps remove waste from your cats system. We have used the kidney restore powder with lots of success!
Saturday 6th of June 2020
Thank you for posting! My 15 yr old girl Lindsey was just diagnosed with kidney failure. The only symptom she has is drinking a lot of water so I took her to vet. She’s eating well, plays with toys, looks healthy and alert. I heve been googling hours everyday trying to find the right food/supplements. Of course vets recommend Hills K/D which has all the right ingredients but high carbs and probably sub-standard protein. I don’t know how you are able to add all the supplements you mentioned. In the past, if I put one supplement in her food; she wouldn’t touch her food. She’s a very picky eater since she was a kitten. The only thing I can add is my vet recommended Feline kidney gold supplement by Pets Wellbeing. It has great reviews so I just ordered a bottle. I will print out your article and find a Facebook group as you suggested. Lorrie
Saturday 6th of June 2020
Sounds like you caught it early! I had no idea to even look out for excessive drinking before all this! As for the supplements we have to be sneaky and space throughout the day. I have taken to mixing into a gravy treat and sprinkling a crushed temptation for added appeal. It's a small portion but it gets the medicine in there. That being said it works for my boy with CKD my girl on the other hand is too smart and like you said won't fall for my tricks. She isn't food motivated we really struggled finding a food she would eat for a long time.
All these supplements are trial and error. We used Kidney Support Gold and had an issue with it causing diarrhea so had to stop. That being said though I have heard people swear by it so it's definitely in how your cat reacts. Even with my two with CKD they take treatments wildly differently. Cats never leave you with a dull moment!