Growing up, I never gave much thought to where our cat’s litter box was. As an adult, I finally understand the struggle of trying to find a place that makes…sense. After all, you don’t want to keep it close to your bed because it’s not fun waking up to the sound (or smell) of your cat doing their business, nor do you want to set it too close to the kitchen or any other part of the house you often spend time in.
The placement of your litter box is important for both sight, smell, and especially so if you have more than one cat living with you. While some cats don’t mind sharing a litter box (or use the same one anyway despite having one of their own), knowing where to put your cat’s litter box is an important part of making your cat feel safe and secure in your home.
Here are the best places in the house to put your cat’s litter box:

Best Places in the House to Put Your Cat’s Litter Box
Regardless of whether you live in a house or apartment, there are a few good places you can store your cat’s litter box. Here are a few of the best:
Laundry Room
Ask any cat owner where they place their cat’s litter box and they’ll probably say the laundry room. The laundry room is the perfect spot to put your cat’s litter box in for several reasons. First, the laundry room is a low-traffic area, which cats love (and prefer). Cats don’t like loud noises, so trying to do their business in loud, boisterous areas can easily stress them out.
Your laundry room provides little noise, so they have plenty of time to do their business without the fear of getting startled or stressed. The second advantage is, of course, the reduction of smell since most laundry rooms are tucked away in another part of the house or in the basement.
Your bathroom is another low-traffic area that will provide the comfort your cat needs to relieve themselves. Think about everything we love about our bathrooms: the natural light, the low noise, etc. Well, that’s what your cat likes about it, too. Plus, cats like to be around their owners, so if you are in the bathroom getting ready or doing your business, your cat may feel more comfortable joining you and do the same.
Since the bathroom floor can get wet from a shower, it’s recommended that you invest in a cat-litter mat to sit on the floor near their box. There’s nothing worse than trying to clean up wet kitty litter, especially since it stains the tile.
Guest Room/Bedroom
You might not be a fan of putting your cat’s litter box in your bedroom, and I get it. I live in a small apartment with three cats, so one of my cat’s litter boxes could only go in the bedroom and at night, it can be a bit of a headache. My cat will ALWAYS go to the bathroom the second my head hits the pillow, so we usually keep a window open and a can of air freshener on the nightstand. While it does get to be a little annoying to deal with, it stops my cats from fighting with one another.
If you are going to place your cat’s litter box in the bedroom, try to keep it away from your bed and on the other side of the room. Because they’re a little unsightly, you may want to invest in a kitty litter plant pot, which fully disguises the box. This is also great for guest rooms, too, and some added decoration.
Read more: Best Top Entry Litter Boxes for Cats
Worst Places to Put Your Cat’s Litter Box
Just like us, your cat wants convenience, privacy, and security when it comes to going to the bathroom. As such, you should avoid putting the kitty litter box in these areas of the house:
Dark Corners/Closets
While your cat might like curling up in your closet for a snooze, they won’t enjoy going to the bathroom in one. As mentioned above, cats like to go to the bathroom in bright places because it makes them feel safer. If your cat’s current litter box is in a dark spot in the house, move it to see if you notice a difference in their behavior. Or add a nightlight to the room. We have a box under our stairs closet and our box has a night light and I added a second nightlight for good measure. This is our most frequented litter box spot now!
If your cat spends the majority of their time downstairs, they’re not going to want to travel upstairs to use the litter box. This is especially true the older your cat gets, as Diabetes and kidney disease are common in cats 10 years and older.
Tips for Strategically Placing Your Cat’s Litter Box Around the House
As mentioned above, cats don’t like to be in high-traffic areas due to noise, so it’s best to avoid sitting their litter box near any sort of appliance. While you may be limited if you put the box in the laundry room, try to avoid other appliances like your dishwasher, wall heating unit, or refrigerator as the noise might frighten them, deterring them from using the litter box moving forward.
You also want to avoid placing your cat’s litter box near their food. Just like we wouldn’t want to eat a sandwich next to the toilet, neither do they.
If, after reading this, you decide to move your cat’s litter box, don’t move it to a brand new location right away. Rather, slowly start to move the litter box a few inches each day until it reaches the new destination. This will make it easier for your cat to adjust to instead of forcing them to search for it from one day to the next.
Final Thoughts
The placement of your cat’s litter box is important for everyone in the house. Sometimes, it takes a little trial and error to find the perfect spot – and that’s okay. If you notice your cat having urinary issues outside their litter box, it may be a sign it needs to be moved to a new location. Hopefully, these tips provide a little bit of help!