Nausea is a tricky demon to fight off in cats. First off cats are so good at hiding things from us, most notably anytime they are sick. With Chronic Kidney Disease we found nausea was one of things we needed to help eliminate for our girl, Tinkerbell. This is where our need for a slippery elm bark recipe for cats all came about.
Her nausea was so bad it got to drooling, so it was quickly obvious to us. Thankfully after an examination we found she had gum sores that were open and bleeding. I say thankfully only because we knew what to treat this is where our discovery of Slippery Elm Bark came in.
Much to her distaste we would apply the syrup/paste of Slippery Elm to her open sore to help heal and sooth them as well she would swallow some and it would help coat her stomach. This paste helped her be able to eat again and after a week of medication, start to clean herself again. I will note that we did have some other meds from the vet that helped get the whole breakout under control and relieve nausea.
What is Slippery Elm Bark Used For?
This powder is pretty magical it works for upset stomachs, mouth ulcers, constipation & diarrhea. And it’s not just for cats, I have a good deal of stomach issues myself and it helps me too!
Slippery Elm Bark Recipe for Cats
Stovetop Cooking Method
- To mix you will want to use a small saucepan. If using nonstick make sure to have a silicone whisk handy!
- Put one cup of cold water in the pan.
- Slowly whisk in 1 tsp of slippery elm bark powder.
- Using low heat bring to a simmer, still stirring constantly, until it thickens, about 3 minutes or so. It will be the consistency of watery egg whites.
- If it gets to clumpy and not a smooth consistency you can always run your mixture through a blender to save it.
- Allow to cool (test temperature on inner wrist to before giving) and give ¼ – ½ (0.25 to 0.5) teaspoon up to 4 times a day.
- This will keep at room temperature for a day or in the fridge for up to five days.
Microwave Cooking Method
- Put the 1 teaspoon of slippery elm bark powder in a microwave safe cup, add 1 cup cold water, stir.
- Cook on high 30 seconds, stir. Repeat.
- Now cook on 50% power for 3 – 4 minutes. Make surer you stop it several times and stir at least once every minute.
- Let syrup cool, I like to cover and pop it right in the fridge. The mixture will thicken as it cools.
Slippery Elm Bark Dosage
Usual powder dosage is (as always you should check with your veterinarian first): 1/8 to 1/4 (0.125 – 0.25) of a teaspoon of the organic or wild-crafted slippery elm bark powder once or twice a day; or one 350-400mg capsule a day. You can give these whole or open them and sprinkle on the cat’s food once or twice a day.
Usual syrup dosage is (as always you should check with your veterinarian first): ¼ – ½ (0.25 to 0.5) teaspoon up to 4 times a day
Why is Slippery Elm Effective
Well let’s take a look at what Jean Hofve, DVM has to say on it.
“Slippery Elm’s mucilage content coats, soothes, and lubricates the mucus membranes lining the digestive tract. Slippery Elm is an excellent treatment for ulcers, gastritis, colitis, and other inflammatory bowel problems. It is high in fiber, and so helps normalize intestinal action; it can be used to relieve both diarrhea and constipation. It may also help alleviate nausea and vomiting in pets suffering from non-GI illnesses, such as kidney disease. A syrup made from Slippery Elm Bark can be used to help heal mouth ulcers from all causes.”
Jean Hofve, DVM
For more you can read all her thoughts on Slippey Elm here.
Where to Buy Slippery Elm
This natural nausea relief is surprisingly more common than you may think. I was able to pick some up in a pinch at my local grocery store Publix. It was found right in the vitamin aisle.
You can also count on the trusty Amazon to have a few options. My favorite is pictured and linked below. For more go here.

Monday 11th of September 2023
I just started giving this to my 19 year old cat with CKD for nausea and constipation. Her appetite has increased and she is straining less in the litter box after just a short time. I’ve been mixing in 1 mL with her wet food 3-4 times each day. She’s normally very picky, but doesn’t seem to mind this at all. I highly recommend trying this! Zero side effects and very safe. A much better option than Mirataz or Cerenia, which she did not tolerate well.
Saturday 9th of September 2023
Hi, great read and easy to follow instructions. When is best to give this -- before meal or after? I've read different recommendations and am a bit confused about it. My cat has to take medications as well, it's advised to give it an hour or so before giving this?
Robin Griffin
Monday 11th of September 2023
Its meant to calm their stomach and it coats and soothes it when you give it to them so I would judge when to give based off of when they have issues, if they throw up right after a meal I would try before hand. As far as medications always refer to your vet, I have heard it can change medication absorption so you would not want to give anything immediately following having slippery elm bark.
Monday 17th of April 2023
This recipe did not think it was for me BUT this stuff brought my cat back to normal, temperament-wise. He had bad hairballs and coukdn'tbeat, hacked them up and is now eating and seems comfortable. So glad I found this info!
Friday 19th of August 2022
Hi there. My ca will take this easily when I put it in his food, is it effective that way? He has occasional vomiting and very hard stools. I have tried to get him to take it alone in his food bowl no go and there is no easy way to give it in an eye dropper. ex ferral cat. thanks!
Isa Liz
Tuesday 3rd of January 2023
@Tahra - try to put some S.E. in wet food with a little bit of canned pumpkin ( no sugar added, organic preferably)
Robin Griffin
Tuesday 25th of October 2022
Yes you can mix in with food!
Sunday 19th of June 2022
I just read on one page to not give this to diabetics. Why? And on another page, that it contains magnesium because struvite can cause crystals. Have you read or heard anything about this and do all SEBs contain Magnesium? Mine is diabetic with an elevated blood ph. So I'm concerned and wondering.
Robin Griffin
Monday 20th of June 2022
A quick search show that it does contain magnesium (Contains calcium, iron, vitamin C, zinc, magnesium and potassium), if you have concerns or are thinking of adding this to your cats routine call and ask your cat's vet as they are the only ones who can give medical advice. Our vet was good with it but our guy was not diabetic. In fact when both of our CKD needed they were pretty sick so it was more of a can't hurt at this point.